Saver App – Experimental App Using React + CSS Grid

Last week, I read this post, and I got inspired. The idea is to have a printed collection of coupons with 52 entry coupons; each coupon has a dollar amount attached. You can cross out a coupon each time you manage to save that amount. If you cross out one coupon each week for one year, you will end up with $10,000 in savings – simple and effective in theory.

The calendar was perfect for a small React project, so I went about to implement a web app. You can see the app in action here, and the repo lives here. The app randomly generates the dollar on each coupon. You can also can change the amount you want to save and or the minimum weekly saving amount you want to commit to.

Give it a go! For now, you need to print the page if you want to start saving using this method.